The chili wasn't bad; the bars are actually pretty good.
My blood glucose reading was 184 this morning :-( I forgot to take my medicine last night. That did kinda dash my hopes somewhat as I was hoping to see an immediate effect on that. Oh, well; I know that it will go down. And who knows what it would have been had I taken my medicine last night!
I'm including a pic of the hubster and me on our cruise in January. This was taken while we were in Cozumel. We have already booked another cruise for our 5th anniversary for January 2012. Warren's mom and his sister will be going with us. It is a 7day cruise this time - Jamaica, Cayman Islands and Cozumel - and will be on a brand new ship, Carnival Magic
Anyway, wish me luck on Day 2!!! I wish all of you the best on whatever journey you are on!