Friday, March 11, 2011


I've just read that journaling is supposed to help one to lose weight - by tracking their blood glucose levels and making them aware of what they eat and, perhaps more importantly, why they eat.  I'm game to give this a try.  I know that I have issues with food.  When I was growing up, I always felt like I needed to keep things inside, stay calm.  Food helped with that.  I could 'stuff' feelings in with food.  On top of that, my mom was an excellent cook, but not very good at expressing emotions.  She loved us with food. 

I have an unhealthy relationship with food.  I remember one time when I had gone to see a therapist to deal with depression.  We talked about my mom, among other things, I cried, etc., etc.  When I left there, guess where I went?  If you guessed a fast food drive-thru, DING DING DING!  You WIN!!  It was a compulsion...I had to get something to eat to "stuff" those bad feelings down.  It it always had...and I did not go back to the therapist.

So, I know I need to deal with my food issues.  My journal, FatGirl 200, will hopefully help with this process.

Everyone have a wonderful day and a wonderful weekend.  Sweetie and I will be working at the farm tomorrow - he will be mowing; my sister in law and I will be removing sheets of corrugated galvanized metal from an old shed we pushed over. 

The Fat Girl

1 comment:

  1. Dear Fatgirl 200, it is time to post again. I am interested to know how you are doing. I know that I did not do as well as I had hoped on a recent trip to Kansas, but each day is a new day, we get to start over again. The whole point for me it to keep heading in the direction that I want to go. The roadblocks are h cakes, hashbrowns, fresh bread etc etc., but everytime I dont eat the second piece gets me closer to the time I don't eat the first piece. Like anything else, it starts in our minds. I have confidence in you, so post your thoughts...
    love you, kiddo
